Monday, May 7, 2012

Integrating Technology in Music

Subject:  Music (Arts)
Grades:  6, 7
Technology tools:  Computer(s), Laptop(s), Tuners, Phones
Tools used:  Interactive website, Video creator / editor, Audio creator / editor
Activity type:  Unit, Assessment

Learning Targets:
I can tune my instrument accurately
I can perform_________ in tune and with a steady beat.

We use digital tuners and smart phone apps to check our accuracy when we tune.

We also are using the interactive SmartMusic program for a SmartMusic review challenge with 6th and 7th graders.

Students use their phones and my iPhone to record tests and to send home recordings to practice with.
Tuners were purchased with a grant from DKG Sorority.

Students assess their progress on a daily basis with tuners and SmartMusic.  Test scores are about 20% higher for students who use their own phones to record tests and retests are higher for those who send their tests home to review using my iPhone.

We will continue to use all these strategies.

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