Monday, May 7, 2012

iPad App for Speech Therapy

Subjects:  Language Arts, Speech therapy
Grades:  K, 1, 2, 3, 4
Technology tools:  iPad
Tools used:  Simulation
Activity type:  Lesson, Teacher presentation, review

The goal is for students to see how all parts of the oral mechanism move and work together to produce specific speech sounds.

An app on iPad shows students how the speech mechanism works for the purpose of accurate speech sound production via simulation/looks like videoflouroscopy;  students can hear the sound produced and see how the sound is produced (i.e. can see lateral and head-on views of tongue movement inside the mouth, etc.)

The app is called PocketSLP SpeechTutor, created by Synapse Apps., LLC

Very helpful for students to get a simulated look at speech production & how all parts of the speech mechanism are working together at the same time to produce a sound - because they can't always see what the speech mechanism parts are doing when the SLP

This is a great app.  I will use it often when first teaching a new speech sound to a student, and periodically for review.

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