Monday, May 7, 2012

Vocabulary Study with PowerPoint

Subject:  Language Arts
Grade:  3
Technology tools:  Computer(s), LCD Projector
Tools used:  Interactive website
Activity type:  Lesson, Assessment

Objective:  1.04 Increase sight vocabulary, reading vocabulary, and writing vocabulary through word study

Learning Target: I can understand my vocabulary by viewing pictures and sentences associated with each word.

Vocabulary is introduced to accompany the current story being discussed has been done by showing a PowerPoint presentation that has a separate slide for each word with pictures and clues for each word.

The beginning page displays the six words and we read them together. The next page shows a picture and the list of the six words. The children try to choose which word goes along with the picture. Next is a sentence with a blank that the children try to fill in with the appropriate vocabulary word. The sentence is then displayed with the correct answer.

This continues with each of the other five words.

The activity was very successful, and seemed to hold the attention of the entire class.

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