Monday, April 23, 2012

Five Giant Steps Across the United States

Subject:  Social Studies
Grade:  5
Technology tools:  Computer(s), Laptop(s)
Tools used:  Interactive website, Digital manipulative, Website design tool
Activity type:  Unit, Project, Research, Tutorial

Throughout the year the fifth grade students study the United States. In collaboration with the classroom teachers, during information skills classes (library), I employ a variety of ways to help students learn to pair the capital of each state. Each child "travels" to a specific state, completes online and print research, documents findings, and displays the results as stickers on a "suitcase" (shoe box). As students present their projects during class, all are introduced to a wide variety of facts about this nation.

While trying to memorize the capital of each state, the activity the students seem to enjoy and benefit from most is working through an electronic pathfinder that I created several years ago titled "Five Giant Steps Across the United States."  (There is a button on Oakwood's media center webpage with the link.) 

Uma finds the pathfinder.
Each footprint icon takes the user to a different type of activity.  The third "step" seems to be most popular because it offers several interactive maps with different requirements and three levels of difficulty.

Jackson chooses the third step.

 Some "feet" need to be edited to allow filter bypass.

Assessment:  quiz at the end of the unit
Most telling is my observational assessment and the students' engagement.

I feel using this activity is successful.  I will use it again and hope to edit so all links are recognized.

Alondra identifies the capital of Idaho on one of the interactive maps.
Beth Shoffner,  Oakwood

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