Monday, April 23, 2012

Using PhotoPeach to Retell a Story

Subjects:  Language Arts, ESL
Grade:  1
Technology tools:  netbooks
Tools used:  Interactive website, Image creator / editor
Activity type:  Lesson, Project

ELA/ELL: retelling stories, using phonics skills in writing

After reading the book "The Snow Lambs", I had my first graders draw pictures that showed the important parts of the story. After scanning the pictures, I then divided them into pairs and had them select the pictures they would use to retell the story. They then uploaded these pictures to the PhotoPeach website. Together they created and typed captions for each picture that retold the story. They also selected music that accompanied the retell. We then published the stories on the PhotoPeach site.

If I did this activity again, I would have them draw fewer pictures for the retelling. Also, we ran out of time to finish before ESL testing began. Otherwise, it was a great experience in collaborating and working on phonics and retell skills!

Ellen Douglas,  Southwest

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