Monday, May 7, 2012

Learning about Amphibians

Subjects:  Science, Social Studies, Information Literacy
Grade:  1
Technology tools:  Computer(s), LCD Projector
Tools used:  Interactive website, Video, Digital text / ebook
Activity type:  Lesson, Unit, Research

We are learning about amphibians this week.  We have integrated both our Weekly Readers (and the online digital edition) and National Geographic for Kids websites to allow the children to explore and find out where these animals live, how they defend themselves, what they sound like, and what they eat.  The Weekly Reader online edition allows children to see and hear what they are learning about through the incorporation of video clips.  National Geographic for Kids online has allowed the children to not only learn of the animal habitats, but how they survive, defend themselves, and even what these animals sound like.

We began this lesson in our classroom while the children had the paper edition of Weekly Reader at their desks.  I used my projector to display the digital edition on my board.  We took turns reading information regarding amphibians.  Video clips were shown of frogs/toads catching their prey, and how camouflage benefits them.  Students were also asked to use higher level thinking skills to answer questions about why frogs benefit from being camouflaged.  After we finished reading, I showed the students where they would be "going" once we got to the computer lab.  I modeled where students would log on, what they would be searching for, and explained that they would need to tell me something new they learned about amphibians from the National Geographic forKids web site.

Assessment:  Children needed to verbally tell me something they learned today about amphibians.

Laura Streamer,  Longview

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