Monday, May 7, 2012

Cell Transport and Cell Division

Subject:  Science
Grades:  9, 10, 11, 12
Technology tools:  Computer(s), LCD Projector, cell phone camera
Tools used:  Digital camera on phones
Activity type:  Lesson

NC SCoS Biology Cell Transport and Cell Division

Students were using microscopes to view living cells (red onion) with fresh water and when salt water was added.  After students saw the cells shrink with the addition of salt water, I challenged them to collect before/after pictures using their cell phone cameras.  They did beautifully! 

Onion cell Before

Onion cell After
We then shared these with an ELL Biology class during the same period.  I repeated the exercise the following week as we observed the stages of mitosis/cell cycle with onion root tip slides.  Students who could not distinguish among the stages could then use the pictures taken by their classmates for assistance,  I projected these the following day in my classroom.

Students were given bonus points on their lab if they emailed me the digital photos.

Picture of cell cycle by 10th biology student
I think this was a great use of their own technology.  I think I might have them process the pictures (add labels, etc.) the next time I use this.

Gena Barnhardt,  Hickory High

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