Monday, April 23, 2012

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Study

Subjects:  Math, Language Arts, Social Studies
Grade:  2
Technology tools:  Computer(s), iPad
Tools used:  Video
Activity type:  Lesson, Teacher presentation

Objective:  2.H.1.2   Identifying contributions of historical figures (community, state, nation, and world) through varioius genres

Learning Target:  I can identify one contribution Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made  for our nation.

This was a continuation of a previous lesson introducing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and a few of his contributions to our nation.  After reading, discussing, and sharing information about who he was, his life and why we would consider Dr. King a historical figure, students were asked to view and listen to his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. After watching and listening ,students were guided through critical thinking.  Small groups used graphic organizers to determine the main topic, details, and what they viewed as Dr. King's contribution to our country through this famous speech.

Information from small groups was shared in whole group setting and graphic organizers were collected and checked.

The activity and lesson was successful.  Now that my classroom has a wireless connection, for future lessons I will pull the video up on an iPad and use a projector to ensure better visibility for students.

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