Monday, April 23, 2012

Using the iPad to Learn About Sound

Subject:  Science
Grade:  2
Technology tools:  iPad
Tools used:  Video
Activity type:  Lesson

Sound unit

Using the iPad and projector in the classroom, the class viewed a short video describing how sound works and travels.

Short question/answer as a whole group. First we watched the video, then did an experiment making "phones" out of tin cans.  We then watched the YouTube video again to find information that would help us explain our experiment.

This activity was successful. The class was engaged during both video showings and individuals were able to give free answers to "what did you learn" as well as structured questioning after our experiment.  I need speakers in the room to increase the volume of iPad.

Melissa Heller, Jenkins Elementary 


Looking for resources for using iPads in the classroom?  Check out this collection of related links:

iPads in the Elementary Classroom presentation:

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