Monday, April 23, 2012

Integrating Technology in 5th Grade

Subjects:  Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies
Grade:  5
Technology tools:  Computer(s), Laptop(s), LCD Projector
Tools used:  Interactive website, Video, Word processing, Spreadsheet
Activity type:  Lesson, Project, Teacher presentation, Research, Tutorial

I have used technology to help my children with their spelling words each week.  They listen to the words pronounced correctly and look at a child friendly definition.  Some of my children have made PowerPoint presentations about something we are learning in science or social studies.  We have gone to certain websites to look at another way that a concept was being taught in math.  Some of my children have made a spreadsheet of the books in our classroom library.  My children are constantly using Google to look something up that comes up that we are unsure of.

We use Spelling City each week for our spelling words.  We use a lot also.

Assessment:  Most of the time, teacher observation.  I also assess the children's knowledge of their spelling words with their weekly tests.

I will continue to do everything that I have done and hope to do more each year.

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