Monday, May 7, 2012

Civil War Presentations using PowerPoint and Prezi

Subjects:  Math, Language Arts, Social Studies
Grades:  3, 4, 5
Technology tools:  Laptop(s), LCD Projector
Tools used:  Video, Word processing, Social media tool, Communication tool
Activity type:  Lesson, Unit, Project, Research

Students researched famous people of the Civil War and created PowerPoint presentations and Prezis to present along with their costumes and tri-folds for the Civil War Wax Museum.  Students viewed videos, researched their people, printed pictures, made PowerPoint presentations, and created Prezis.  Student learned how to save their information to their individual student share folders, and send their info to themselves through email, as well as save their info on flash drive.  On the day of the Wax Museum, students used the netbooks in the mall area of our school as part of their presentations.

Students were given a full rubric for the project that included use of technology.

The activity was very successful and I would like to link the Prezis together in a movie for next year's students to view.

Janet Hambrick,

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