Monday, May 7, 2012

Using PhotoPeach with ESL Students

Subjects:  Language Arts, Science, Social Studies
Grades:  K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Technology tools:  Computer(s), Laptop(s), LCD Projector, Interactive Slate
Tools used:  Interactive website, Video, Digital text / ebook, Audio, Audio creator / editor, Word processing, Image creator / editor
Activity type:  Lesson, Unit, Project, Teacher presentation

I used PhotoPeach, a web-based, user-friendly, slideshow maker, to integrate science and technology, and ESL/ELA content and technology. In one third grade project, students studied main idea, comparing and contrasting, and Tier 2 words, and science content. After drawing pictures and writing descriptive sentences that compared and contrasted, they were able to upload their drawings, and add music, text, and comments to their presentations.

A similar activity was done in first grade; with more of a focus on sentence structure.
Another PhotoPeach project integrated the school-wide Career Day presentations by parents and community members. After pictures were uploaded, students added descriptive sentences, which are now to be presented to parents and attendees at Awards Day.

PowerPoint presentations and interactive slates have been a part of my curriculum for a few years now.

Crystal Pritchett, Jenkins Elementary 

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