Monday, April 23, 2012

United Streaming - My Builder Tools

Subjects:  Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies
Grades:  K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Technology tools:  Computer(s), Laptop(s)
Tools used:  Interactive website, Video
Activity type:  Lesson, Unit, Project, Assessment, Research, Tutorial

United Streaming is such a valuable resource that I wanted to share how I have used it at both the Elementary and High School levels for differentiation. We are all searching for ways to improve differentiation and this is a great way to provide both enrichment and remediation. It gives you ways to assess and evaluate student progress that are easy to monitor.

United Streaming allows you to set up classes as a whole or by individual students. As you search the activities and videos on United Streaming; you can save them to My Content. From there you can choose to edit, share, delete or rename them. You then assign them to individual students or whole classes. You can add your own assignments or use the worksheets that come with many of the videos.

When you use the My Builder Tools it allows you to create new assignments, quizzes or writing prompts. Again, you can create your own or use Discovery Education provided activities.

This is the perfect way to individualize instruction. The children easily learn how find their name and class, so all you have to do is log in and tell them they have assignments on Discovery Education or United Streaming.

The assignment manager provides ways for you see results by class or individual student or login code. Obviously, assessment would depend on the assignment. But I really like having an easy way to keep track of who has finished and needs more enrichment, or who needs extra help.

I have found this perfect for those students who need extra help or are very visual learners. It allows me to work with students who need extra help and not feel like my students are "playing" on the computer.  A simple and easy way to differentiate instruction!

Elizabeth Brant,  Oakwood, Viewmont

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